Environmental Activities

ShibaSoku believes that environmental conservation activity is an important issue and has implemented environmental policies to keep business activities in harmony with people and the environment.
Environmental Philosopy
ShibaSoku recognizes the importance of protecting the precious resources of our planet and is committed to developing business activities that are in harmony with nature and society.
Environmental Policies
- We will endeavor to protect the environments around our factory locations by clearly communicating any environmental effects due to our business activities.
- We will continuously work towards minimizing pollutants in observance with environment laws and regulations as well as our customer's requirements for restricted materials in our products.
- We will monitor our business activities with respect to environmental effects.¬Y We will also set and monitor our performance towards environmental objectives and targets.
- We will work to minimize our impact on the environment and depletion of resources by focusing on energy saving and recycling activities.
President & C.O.O
Tatsuya Saitoh